06 October 2008


So last night was a goodnight. I have spent the past 5 days in Luke 10:38 - 42 asking God to make me like Mary. And every time I have thought He was finished and I could move on from it He says "nope, not through yet." so im learning about stillness and how to sit at his feet undistracted and listen to his teaching. Listen to His spirit teach me that only one thing is necessary. Also paired with the Luke verse has been psalm 27:4.

Had a picture last night during worship that I have been satisfied with a puddle and God told me that He is a ocean. oops! so, God's taking me into some deeper waters. Im trying to stay afloat. doing well so far. I'll let you know if i begin to drown.

ZHOP staff meeting beginning soon.
thats all for now.


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