19 February 2020

Demonic Apocalypse RPG Setting, Part 2

Thank you for the inspiration and ideas. This is leading the setting to be altered to better fit in some of the suggestions.

Originally the Demonic Apocalypse setting was not going to use guns and start a generation or two beyond the Demonic Wars. The commentary is favorable for player characters who didn't grow up during the war, thus not having characters with greater military experience. However, the concept of having a world without guns was something people didn't feel fit the setting.

Changes for Firearms

I will be including firearms in the write ups of characters and locations. They aren't common weapons, but they exist. Ammunition is also scarce because it is dependent on either finding older bullets, hoping they still work, or finding someone who has the equipment and supplies to reload cartridges. For the group that was asking about this, a cautionary note was given to the players.

Guns make a particular sound that can be heard for some distance, especially in areas like canyons. All of the players understand there is a danger of being heard when a shot is taken. This can lead to additional unexpected encounters with bandits, scavengers, demonic thralls, and demons.

Even with the additional risk firearms present in the setting, this was an area people felt was needed to make it appropriate. Along with the basic firearms it was discussed that other military grade weapons could possibly be found, or come into play, later when the party is out on missions. This includes mostly explosive devices, but again could easily expand to other forms of weapons.

Currently available weapons are what is for players, at least to start. If the military, or other testing facility or laboratory, was working on new weaponry for the war effort, that would be something to be introduced during adventuring (of course it was considered a strong avenue of adventure to find new weapons to fight the demons with).

Religious Magic

There was also a question of making available religious magic since this is s demonic apocalypse. I purposefully left this part open for several reasons. The main being, which religion would be the one to represent. So, if you are inclined to have religion play an impactful part into the game you would like to run please do and make it the flavor of your desire.

I will be presenting the demons here more as some form of dimensional creatures that have been allowed to cross over. You might think this is along the lines of the mega monsters of recent movies, but I am going to be using some classical Dungeons and Dragons dimensional creatures to fulfill my combat needs.

Leveling Characters

There were questions about how to level the characters to make them stronger to fight the demonic creatures.

The discussion on this was because the game master's group are very much into the ideal of leveling their characters. After further talking, it was understood that the players were less about playing personalities and were more about the strategy of combat.

I have no problem with doing that, if that was my desire.

For this setting the goal is to create more of a base for personality play between the characters and the rest of the setting. The encounters are leaning towards more creative thinking than just being high enough levels to have the abilities for the party to go toe-to-toe with the main boss. In fact, one of the current story threads could mean that instead of defeating or removing the demons from our world the characters have to come to a different settlement.

Moving Forward

After the conversation and looking over the notes I have been taking for this setting, I have made alterations.
Like previous settings, I am going to focus on creating personalities and locations that can be used as part of the main adventure or side adventures. There will be non-player characters that can be brought in for help or hindrance to the party. There will be descriptions of characters and places that are easily accessible to the party, while others are remote and require them to journey forth from the safety of their known area.

I was asked to create some adventures for this setting. Because of the breadth of desire of the different concepts of what people have mentioned, the adventures I'll create for this setting will be in an outline format. This will allow you to mold it to the style of game you would like to have.

I already have heard where one gaming group has already started running with this idea and the initial adventuring party, or "Fire Squad" has journeyed forth into a nearby abandoned city. Their mission objective was simply to gather up supplies that could be useful for their enclave that is up one of the nearby canyons.

The feedback has been enjoyable on this project. I will admit it has taken on a little more than I thought it would originally. For that I thank those who have sent comments, suggests, and requests.

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If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to guildmastergaming@gmail.com.

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